
קפאין - אנגלית

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Possible negative effects from caffeine use and abuse include the following:
  • An acid irritant to the gastrointestinal tract and liver, regular coffee drinking increases the likelihood of peptic ulcer disease and gastritis.
  • Caffeine’s diuretic effect causes loss of potassium, magnesium, zinc and other minerals, vitamin C and B vitamins.
  • Caffeine reduces absorption of iron and calcium. Osteoporosis and anemia are thus more common with regular coffee use.
  • Diarrhea can also occur with increased amounts of caffeine, which relaxes the smooth muscle in the colon. The laxative effect of caffeine can also create a dependency.
  • A number of negative cardiovascular effects are caused by caffeine, clearly increasing risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Fibrocystic breast disease, endometriosis and breast pain may also be a consequence of caffeine use.
  • Spontaneous abortions and birth defects have been noted with higher levels of caffeine use during pregnancy. Caffeine crosses the placenta and affects the fetus. Caffeine also gets into breast milk, so it is also wise to limit its use during the nursing period to prevent having a jittery baby.
  • The incidence of certain cancers is increased with caffeine use.
  • Caffeine may also be correlated with kidney stones, possibly as a result of the diuretic and chemical effects.
  • The adrenal exhaustion/stress/fatigue/hypoglycemia syndrome is tied to caffeine use as well, as it stimulates the adrenals, and has an overall effect of increasing blood sugar. This process can eventually lead to chronic fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, and subsequent inability to handle stress and sugar intake. Caffeine will then be of little help.
What to do—Detox
Anyone with regular caffeine intake should truly consider withdrawing from their habit until they can reach a state of occasional use and enjoyment.
It is important to support ourselves nutritionally while we eliminate or reduce our intake. An alkaline diet is helpful. Vegetable salads, greens, soups, whole grains (which must be well-chewed to avoid acidity, sprouts, soy products, and some nuts and seeds are the basis of this high-nutrient diet. Fruits can be used as snacks.   Decrease acid foods, such as meats, sugar, and refined flours and oils. Drinking at least six to eight glasses of filtered or mineral water can help.
We need to support the nutrients commonly depleted by caffeine. These include B complex, vitamin C, and many minerals. Water intake and additional fiber will help bowel function, which can slow down during caffeine withdrawal.
It is easier to detox over a week or two to avoid significant headaches and other symptoms, although some users can quit totally without many problems. Coffee substitutes such as “Chico,” half-and-half blends of “Chico” and coffee, green or herbal teas, diluted amounts of regular coffee are good ways to reduce caffeine intake. Some people can substitute tea, which has less caffeine, and taper off of that more easily.


  • בחור שנוטל תרופה פסיכיאטרית

    שלום לך, אני מקווה שהתקופה האחרונה עברה בשלום, ושהכל טוב. אנחנו בסדר והכי חשוב **** ברוך השם מרגיש טוב, הוא הולך למכון כושר,
    ופעמים בשבוע לעבודה, מתפקד טוב, מאושר ושמח, אני מקווה שימשיך כך,

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